We understand that product defects can happen and products can be mishandled or broken on occasion.  We are here to help with the process.  If you product has become inoperable or damaged we will be happy to assist with your repair.  Please follow the steps below to process your repair.  

1. Please download our repair form and fill all applicable fields. Print this form and include it with your shipment    
Repair Form

2. Email us at Support@Gamerzicon.com to inform us of your return, we will enter this data into our system.  If you product is still under standard warranty or extended warranty please note this the options below.

a. If you have the original packing materials or a box, we can send a pre-paid label to attach and ship

b. If you DO NOT have original packing materials we can send a replacement box along with a pre-paid return label.

3. If you product is not covered under any warranty we can still repair it for a minimal fee usually $20-40.  The fee depends on the product condition and the issue.  We will estimate this fee before the repair is processed.